cd cd MUSIC PAGE TWO cd cd

and here is a collection of the bands and artists i enjoy,
as well as my "" to keep you updated
on the songs i am currently listening to.
i hope you can find something here to add
to your own playlists or queue.

happy listening...


below is a semi-complete digitized catalog of the CDs i own.
for a pleasurable experience hover your mouse over an album...

filler text...
bcuz im indecisive

what am i listening to now?



these are a few of the many albums i enjoy,
and i've edited them to be oh, so, glittery and appealing to the eye...
followed by some blinkies for some bands i occasionally,
-or not-so-occasionally listen to.





a place to mention the song i am currently "obsessed with".
expect this section to be updated somewhat frequently,
as i hope to keep you in the know regarding my musical ventures.
and don't worry, i'll make sure to archive these
so you don't miss out. to see that page, click here

Things We Never Did by Sad Lovers & Giants:

Updated: February 15, 2025

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