
a tribute to my favorite websites...
and an assortment of others i hope you’ll enjoy.

have fun exploring.

Last.Fm / Stats.Fm: keep a record of your musical ventures and receive recommendations
Radiooooo : discover music by genre and decade

Solitr : online solitaire
Fun HTML5 Games : online games you can embed into your own site

GifCities : an archived collection of gifs from the 1990's and 2000's
The 88x31 GIF Collection : a vast collection of 88x31 web buttons
The Horror Gif Necronomicon : a collection of unusual and horror-themed gifs
GIFS.CC : categorized selection of gifs and clipart to make you miss the 2000's : create your own blinkies

E-Zines and Text Files  
some e-zines for you:
The Internet Sucks : Do you need help picking up chicks? (1997)
MISFITS : Want some fact-checked utterly true information? (1995)
Low Self Esteem : Do you have low self-esteem? (1996-1998)
KILL YOURSELF : Are you sick of the people around you? (1995-1996)
suburban gothic #5 : Insight to the life of a 23 year old in 2004

Internet Archive : a site dedicated to preserving the internet and hosts tons of free media
Heaven's Gate : see real 90's web design through a suicide cult's website from 1997
N0NBH : celestial data and widgets
Similar Minds : a variety of personality tests
Dante's Inferno Hell Test (Archive) : an archive of the test that told you which level of hell you'd belong to
973 Eht Namuh 973 : a seemingly cryptic religious website
Zoom Quilt : a never-ending piece of artwork
CURSORS-4U : add a cursor to your webpages
Death and Hell : discover the keys to death and hell

Dannarchy : Step into Dann's world, "if you're cool enough!"
Youth Culture 2000 : pretend you're in Y2K
Castle Cyber Skull : visit the "coolest cyber castle on the net"

find me on the web...
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